Tuesday, February 22, 2011

People Watching!

This past weekend I had a cheerleading competition with over 35,000 cheerleaders competing. So I took some time to watch people and their quirky things they did when they thought no one was watching them. This sounds really creepy to me so I probably wasn't too good at it but I tried my best! The first person I saw was a little boy probably 5 or 6 years old. He was sitting outside of the competition watching all the girls in the half uniforms with huge bows and 10 pounds of make up on. Nobody really seemed to notice him. Then he started to kick his feet back and fourth and as another cheerleader walked by he kicked her and started to giggle. He then made an effort to kick every girl that walked past him. It was like he was playing his own game inside of his head.

The next person I decided to watch was a group of girls cheering on their friends team as they performed. They stood right up close to the stage and were screaming their heads off for the girls. They was jumping up and down and about halfway through the routine one of the girls got so into it her shoe lace somehow got wrapped around on the baracades lining the stage. So now as she was yelling and screaming for this team she was also trying to get her shoe off of the baracade. It looked as though she didn't want any of her friends to notice though. So at the end of the routine she kicked her shoe off and let her friends get a little in front of her before she bent down to grab it and run off.

The last person I wasn't really watching, it just kind of happened. On my flight home I was sitting next to my sister and one of my friends and the flight attendant kept giving us really weird looks. We thought we did something wrong so we were acting on our best behavior. But as I watched I noticed that she was giving everyone really weird looks. This was weird to me because usually flight attendants are really nice and happy. So we sat through our flight and once we landed my sister went to the bathroom and overheard the flight attendant say she thought she was pregnant on the phone to someone. Which explained all the nasty looks and the attitude of stay away. I thought it was interesting to watch someone be so angry for no reason but then realize they acctually have a good reason.

This weekend showed me how weird some people are. I don't know if I just was coincidentally catching people at really bad times but it was a train wreck. I think with so many people around this weekend and all the cheerleaders being, well, cheerleaders it was just a long weekend for everyone. Very entertaining on my end though! My sister, my friend Kristi and I all enjoyed this sociology assignment!

1 comment:

  1. I told you people watching was interesting! Now what kinds of sociology terms can you apply to your experiences?
