Friday, February 4, 2011


This week in class, we have been asked the question, "Will the kindness of strangers stop theft?" This goes along with socioloy because it's pointing fingers at different groups of people and figuring out if society would help them or if they would just turn their backs on them in time of need. We learned that if just asked the question, "would you help a stranger by stopping a theft?" everyone would say yes of course, because they want to look like a good person. But when their identity is hidden, it's a completely different story. Most people would say that it depends on the situation. Some people even said that they wouldn't help at all. I think when one answers depending on the situation it could mean a lot of different things; if the theft was a male, if the stranger was obnoxious, if the stranger was a teenager or an adult, etc. The location, time, and the amount of people around could have a major effect on if someone would help or not, also.

This week my older sister told me that she saw a theft take place from across the street. And I asked what happened and what she did about it. My sister said that a man went up behind an older lady and grabbed her purse and ran. She told me that she felt bad for the lady who just had her stuff stolen but my sister was too scared to go over and help. She also said that a man walking down the street tried to chase the theft down but never came back. I think overall, stopping a theft depends on the situation.

1 comment:

  1. Nice connection to class...although I feel really bad about this lady's purse. You'll have to bring this up in our debrief later on in class tomorrow :)
