Friday, January 28, 2011


This week in class we learned a lot about famous sociologists and what they did for this particular science. I did a project on WEB DuBois figuring out what he really stood for in his beliefs. DuBois mainly focused on race inside and outside of the United States. He tried to stop all the segragation going on in a peaceful and conservative way. He believed that no matter what color skin you had, you were equal to all other men.

This week I have thought about this issue of segragation and that if you aren't white you are considered a minority. We all come from different backgrounds, so who is to say which group of people is a so-called minority? People such as WEB DuBois, Martin Luther King Jr., and Lyndon B. Johnson have all tried to stop the segragation that pollutes our lives every day. In 2011, things have turned just a little but there is still a faint line that shows the United States still has this racism problem. Last month, I went downtown to walk around the city with my cousins and we met a black man who looked as though he was blind. He asked if we could help him across the street and when we got to the other side he asked what color we were. Before we could say white, he went on explaining that he was walking around the city with his eyes closed to see who would help him. This was a test to see how much racism effects our lives. That was a very bold statement for that man to make but it got the point across. Racism and segregation is still very visible in the United States and no one is stopping it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow...ironic you ran into this guy after we talked about some of this stuff in class (social experiments, duBois, etc). I'm glad you stopped to help him!
