Monday, May 9, 2011

I saw Sociology..

This week I saw sociology when I played football with some friends. We went to the park and chose teams and then played! It was so much fun until some people started getting really annoyed with one another. When we first started we decided the goal lines and out of bounds but when we began to play, some didn't follow all of the rules. One girl on the opposite team ran out of bounds and then into the goal and started jumping up and down, very exccitedly. It didn't take long for someone from my team to get up and yell cause she went out of the bound line. They argued until we finally called a redo.

Things went back to normal and everyone was playing and getting along just fine. Then someone from the opposite team ran up and threw one of my teammates on the ground. And then ran off like nothing happened. Obviously, she was a little angered by this. So they began to argue and after awhile everyone started arguing and it became a huge mess.

Overall, I think this situation shows deviance in a way because some of the players weren't showing very much respect for others and they were just doing rude things. If that was an actual football game, they would have gotten called for a foul or something. But because there wasn't really any set rules, they got away with whatever they wanted to do and they knew that. I think it also shows conformity because after one person started fighting, everyone started fighting and it turned into a fiasco of yelling and calling people rude names. I learned that I'm never playing football again...

1 comment:

  1. What theories may explain the behaviors at the football game?
