Friday, April 29, 2011

I saw Sociology at..

This week., the juniors have been testing in the field house. For two days we were all packed into the gym for five hours, taking tests that will help us decide our future. With hundreds of teenagers packed into one place, it can get pretty crazy. The first day, Dr. Cheng gave a speech to us about doing well on the test and at the end of his talk he had us all do the wave. I think that this kind of goes along with culture because everyone knew what the wave was and everyone knew how to do it. It's not neccesarily apart of our everyday lives but we are taught to do that and we know when it's appropriate.

Also, when we were given breaks in between tests everyone would seperate into different groups. It wasn't socially exceptable to step into another groups space or area until we were forced to go back to our assigned seats. Another example was when we had a break, someone hit the box off of the fire alarm and it started buzzing. Everyone got silent and stared over at the kid who did it. Then when it was fixed everyone clapped and yelled for the person. It's conformity to your peers when you do what they are doing.

It's our culture to test for college. Not everyone takes it as seriously as others but we all know how to act. This kind of testing is really specific on the directions which made all the stundents laugh because some things are obviously not okay. I think that it proved a lot of peoples maturity levels when taking these tests and getting through the long two days.

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