Friday, April 15, 2011

Gender Roles

This week in class the focus has been on gender roles. What makes a person feminie and what makes a person masculine. It made me think how boys and girls could be either now-a-days. A girl doesn't nessecarily have to be feminine and a boy doesn't nessecarily have to be masculine. Sometimes this way of thinking poses a problem though. Some do not think it is okay for a male or female "act" like the other gender.

This makes me mad because I think that people should be able to be who they want and how they want without the unnessecary imput from others around them. We brought up in class that some think they are born that way, and it isn't their choice at all. In some cases, I think that could be very true. Just because a boy wants to play with a barbie doll or a girl wants to play with hot wheels, doesn't mean that they are going to be gay or lesbian. It doesn't mean that they are going to grow up more like a boy instead of a girl or vice versa.

In my opinion, I think that parents are paranoid. They don't want their child to be made fun of so they do everything in their power to keep them from switching the gender roles. Parents sometimes need to back off and let the kid be who they want to be. If they push away the type of person that child is supposed to be, they are pretty much pushing away the child itself.

1 comment:

  1. You bring up some good have a very open mind :)
